Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Story of My Life

People are so really interesting. They have SO many stories, they come from so many different walks of life and each one is completely one-hundred percent unique. This is why I have always enjoyed working with the general public. It gives me the perfect opportunity to feed my interest through meeting and getting to know people on a daily basis. It's always been said that first impressions are most important, and I really believe that to be true. It's amazing how much of an impact attitude can have in a situation where two people who know nothing about one another make a connection. I've learned that the best approach to getting to know (or meeting) someone is to be personable. 

It is possible that my understanding of the word "personable" is different than most, but I believe that it could be defined as a form of  honesty. When I introduce myself to someone, I'm showing them who I am. I give a little preview by the way I talk, the way I act, and even the way I look at them. It's important that they feel accepted, and that they understand that I am being genuine and I appreciate them for the individual that they are. Of course, at this point I don't really know anything about them, but would it be wrong for me to assume that they are doing the best they can? I don't think so. I feel like a lot of the time when we meet new people we guard ourselves, we show no form of interest, or we make assumptions according to other situations involving similar people. It's probably not something that anyone does on purpose, but it is an action that can quickly become familiar and habitual. 

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

You really never know what is going on in others' lives...and you won't know if you don't care enough to ask. There are times when the things you hear might surprise you, amaze you, impress you, inspire you, motivate you, humble you, or even confuse you. :) My philosophy is that everyone deserves a chance to share their story. Whether it's just a snapshot of their life, or the whole darn scrapbook, it's worth listening to in my mind.

I'm sure everyone is different, but I've come to know myself as a "people" person. I really do want to hear the stories, the backgrounds, and the history of people that I might not even know. I love hearing about where people have lived and how they were raised, and I love being able to relate (or not relate) to their experiences. Another reason that I have such an appreciation for people (and their lives) is that I find it exciting that I am living my own story. :) In fact, my story is already pretty well written, and I continue to uncover the mysterious chapters each and every day. I can only hope that someday I will be able to share my experiences in ways that will positively influence the lives of the people I know, and the strangers that I meet.

1 comment:

  1. "People are so interesting..." reminds me of

    (Although, I cannot remember which level.)
